4/29/2023 Little Did We Know Sweet Aunt Mary Ann...
Little did we know that morning (4/21/23) that God would call you name. In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same. It broke...
Little did we know that morning (4/21/23) that God would call you name. In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same. It broke...
Today is a very special day for us too... In that this day is the 15th anniversary you gave us a new identity; as grandparents. Papa was...
My Beautiful Little Girl's (Liz) 1st Birthday. You Would Think She's Reading... She's Cooking With Daddy. And Was Grandpa's Buddy. Pike's...
The aurora borealis covered nearly 30 states on Sunday evening, including parts of the Ozarks. The phenomenon, known as the aurora...
Yesterday sadly my daughter was not feeling well with allergies and even had lost her voice. It was determined that my son in-law,...
Feet... They make their place quietly at the bottom of the legs, perpendicular to the body. Although they are rather unassuming, feet are...
Well the day has unfolded with little planned except to be on call for the Kinetic Internet installer. He has just left with a no go for...
Today will be some light hearted laughs... Hope you find this list... Hilarious! 🤣 I always say... 1. When one door closes and another...
What is the most ordered food when people generally step-in to restaurants or stop by any eatery? The answer in unison would undoubtedly...
There I was computing my taxes this year and found that I owed $3429. I packaged up my payment and included this letter: Dear IRS:...
I've come to realize disappointment is one of those emotions and feelings that we as humans often take worse than anger or sadness. Why?...
Well yesterday was a fluid day in many ways. Yes rain and hail in some places. However, fluid in that I actually spent yesterday doing...
Warmer weather is on the way to kickoff the riding season in the northern states. So again this year I will list a few rules to to keep...
The task is finally completed as I promised... Shoes squeaked against the sand as our entourage led the straggling cortège towards the...
Speaking of murder leads me to think about my adventures a few years ago. I took a walk through a cemetery with my family. I noticed...
I love to travel and I find myself thinking about exotic places to visit as I sit relaxing in my soft recliner. Mind you I just got back...
"No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn." "The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created spring." "Easter...
The weather cooled down so I enjoyed just sitting by the fire last evening. Residing in the South for the last four months had rewarded...
Our imagination can get the best of us sometimes... Take me for instance last night, I was showering and thought a spider had joined me...
After a slow start and an over night on the road, I finally made it back home yesterday around 4pm. Of course I had to take time to see...