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3/31/2021 It's Was That Time...

My daddy always said "The income tax has made more liars out of the American people than a stadium full of car salesmen in training." 😂...

3/30/2021 A New Age...

Who knew there was a phone holiday and Yes I missed it. Maybe that explains my karma about getting a phone at my humble remote lake home....

3/29/2021 Sunday's Best...

Another day at Ozark Spring Roundup... It was much cooler and the crowd was thinner than the day before. Final day was harder competition...

1/28/2021 Giddyup...

We set our clocks yesterday to catch a full weekend of entertainment, shopping and education, at the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds. Scheduled...

3/27/2021 The Road...

Little did I know I would spend a large portion of my life wearing dead bugs and drifting in and out of small town gas stations, smiling...

3/25/2021 The Waters Rising...

Here I sit with the waters rising. However, no worries for me because my place and roads are high & safe. I live as the crow flies 1/2...

3/24/2021 Back To Normal...

It has been a few gloomy days of dark rainy hours. We had taken to time to run errands, replenish the cupboards, refrigerator, freezer...

3/23/2021 Good Morning!

I like my coffee black and my mornings bright. Little did I know someone else did too. Good Morning! A phrase we all use all the time...

3/22/2021 Home At Last...

We treked away on a cold January day in search of sunshine and warmth. What we discovered was "A house is made of walls and beams; a home...

3/21/2021 The Feed Was On!

To celebrate the first day of Spring. We embarked on a couple car rides to put on the feed bag. 😄 The temps have been on the cool side...

3/18/2021 Pushing Buttons...

As the rains came I was enjoying a few minutes of fun. Put in a buck and won... Not this much but it did help pay for supper. 😄 After I...

3/16/2021 Gotta Love This Day!

Believe it or not... It's Lip Appreciation Day! Lips Appreciation Day has been created so that you can give your lips some attention and...

3/15/2021 If You Caught The Bug...

If you’re anything like us, you struggle not to share how great motorcycling is with pretty much everyone you meet. Exasperated people...

3/14/2021 What's Today?

Our yearly nightmare... Daylight Saving Time is to begin on Sunday, March 14, 2021, at 2:00 A.M. So on Saturday evening, our clocks...

3/13/2021 Productive Day...

I was excited to get my new Hammer Series leather, locking, extra-large hard bags on my Yamaha. Loving the increased room in the new...

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