Who knew there was a phone holiday and Yes I missed it. Maybe that explains my karma about getting a phone at my humble remote lake home. It would be so welcoming to just pick up that phone and get a dial tone again.

Remember when you were forced to leave your phone at home—because it was attached to your house? Or when your crush called, but your older brother got to the phone first and revealed your secret? Or when you knew you hit true best friend status—memorized their number?
The holiday was on the anniversary of Alexander Graham Bell’s amazing invention, National Landline Telephone Day was on March 10 for those of us who remembers the heyday of the landline phone in all its glory—and right now I would really make a strong case for its re-adoption.
In all that I love about my home here, the least favorite is the lack of phone service.
Several years ago I disconnect my land line service while I was living among the population. Now that I am back to lake living, I have found that cellphones have one drawback. No service everywhere even in 2021. To make matters worse the land lines are no longer available now in my area. Whoa I am really feeling old.
Ok, no worries I'll just motor up to the top of the hill and get some service bars to call from my cell phone to get an order in for a phone with my internet service provider.

Well, not so fast... I was informed that due to an update to their system a few days ago they were having trouble with their own operational system. One trouble area was adding new voice service to their service areas. It was just a glitch but I would have to wait for their information tech specialist to assist with the problem. I would need to call back in three to five days!
Whoa I can not believe that getting a phone here in 2021 has been so difficult. A man on the moon, missions to Mars plans but no phone service for me around Pomme de Terre Lake. A head scratching moment here!
Wish me luck!