5/29/2019 Making lemonade out of a lemon of a day...
"Day Two Ride" was modified from the original planned route due to the impending weather conditions. We saddle up bright & early before...
"Day Two Ride" was modified from the original planned route due to the impending weather conditions. We saddle up bright & early before...
Engines roared early towards the final destination of Push Mountain on our first ride day. Push Road Mountain Road, referred to as “The...
Today is the day for the excitement to begins. Breakfast done, bikes packed and blacktop jungle here we come. Twisties roads, country...
Memorial Day is much more than just a three-day weekend and a chance to hold your awesome bbq. It's a time to remember the men and women...
Today will be the final prep, packing & loading up for departure on my highly anticipated Motorcycle Vacation... Engines will start...
Anyone ever notice the word Saturday has the word "turd" in it? Thus the statement, "It's Saturday" can also be written as: "It'ss a...
Pray for peace and grace for those who have lost loved ones. They’ll need God’s ongoing comfort. Pray for trust for those who have lost...
In the St. Francois Mountains in the Ozarks at 1,772 feet above sea level, Taum Sauk Mountain is the highest and likely the oldest peak...
Here are a few different tricks and tips you can use in your everyday life. We all need some common sense everyday solutions to things we...
“Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already...
Ah, Sunday. With Saturday now a distant memory, it's our last day to stave off the Monday blues. And the only way to pump up the weekend...
An interesting fact or not... Manure: In the 16th and 17th centuries, everything had to be transported by ship and it was also before...
Things that go my mind as I sit idle... What would life be if I was a Pencil? I would think it might be a little cramped in the dark...
Picture of days gone by! I'm Fifthteen years old With Dad & Brothers in 70's... Can you tell? Ridin the Honda 100... Fun days of a 15...
Why did the chicken cross the road? The chicken-crossing-the-road joke is maybe actually super dark and messed up, guys. The chicken...
Tuesday's Practical Household Tips and Tricks for your home... 1. You know you can remove marks on wood furniture using a walnut. Cut it...
How did you'll choose your children’s names? Elizabeth was the name I knew I wanted for my first born. From the time we knew I was...
I would have tried harder to be a better "Mother." I love my daughters so much it hurts. Some days I walk around bursting with the love...
A few days ago, I was supposed to pick my youngest daughter and grandson up to go watch a concert that my oldest daughter's daughter was...