5/8/2019 Did you know there are rules of "Chocolate"?
If you've got melted chocolate all over your hands, you're eating it too slowly.Chocolate-covered raisins, cherries, orange slices, and...
If you've got melted chocolate all over your hands, you're eating it too slowly.Chocolate-covered raisins, cherries, orange slices, and...
Whew! Glad to hear it is the doors fault! It seems some doors require printed instructions to operate, while others are so poorly...
The things you think about late at night... A delicate subject but as we all know Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars. A little...
"From a strictly mathematical viewpoint: What Equals 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who...
Yesterday got back my old pal Red Bud. I had suspected that their was rear-end problems. I finally got my regular guy, who I trustey...
These are things handed down from a old wise fix-it up genie... or that is what I have heard anyway. There are only 10 things in this...
Prison vs Work studies show some interesting comparisons. Who knew all these years I might have been better off in prision. IN...
Last night there was devastation in Missouri, Still another tornado hit parts of our neighbors in Arkansas. It is important that we...
Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good, too." - Yogi Berra Yesterday was as perfect a day as they...
I am frequently told that I lack the self-survival gene. I prefer to think of it as channeling my inner Lucy, as in the famous redhead. I...
I live in a country home, my favorite 10 acres on Earth. You would never know looking at it from the outside, the worth it means to me....
Well I fell off the healthy lifestyle train that I was riding some years ago... actually with my first baby. The train went on down the...
Motorcycling invokes a lot of senses that are almost never engaged during other forms of transportation. So when you ask, "What does it...
Still thinking about the loathe of mowing... Good News is with mowing after all the rain and then more rain yet forecasted. I am happy...
Most days somewhere, people are doing sensible things like mowing lawns and digging gardens. I grew up at my friends house, and they had...
Hello! What shall we do today? Hm . . . I know! Let’s look at how Moms have been portrayed as Crazed & Dazed through the decades. As...
I once heard a personal story that a friend of my shared in the 90s. He spoke about a friend of his that was dying in the hospital from...
My dream profession’ was the topic given by the English teacher for the 10 minutes speech. We were in seventh grade and were told to...
Today topic: Childhood Illnesses Back in the 60’s, life was a lot more dangerous than it is now, we just didn’t know it. Luckily, none...
Flipping though the pages of the paper yesterday brought back a lot of memories. Here are some things I haven’t thought about in...