A new President as well as health and future worries for Americans are still unknow. I pray that God will be with us through this year. May we all emerge stronger and able to regain a semblance to a life we once knew.
Here on our home front we have the last minute irritations upon us.
I had hoped to have a travel expedition that would be total flexible this year. The only thing I had wanted hard-fast was that I wanted to leave early January 2021... Well that desire went out the window some days ago!
All the self help anxiety guides do Zippity Do-Dah for me since most of mine stem from what I can't control; Weather, Waiting for Medication Order, People & Things that are out of my hands.
My trike will be done whether I am home or not. Checks can be mailed and they are going to keep it there until I get back.
My 2019 taxes were sent electronically to IRS in June but inadvertantly lacked the 8962 form attachment. (I am still tring to figure that one out) It was not until October that I was notified to submit the form immediately... which I complied. Even with all forms in... the I's dotted and T's crossed my 2019 Tax File is still in limbo with man-power shortage due to Covid-19. Then add irritation of no second stimulus sent for me because of no record of taxes file yet until IRS processes my tax file. Hopefully my insurance won't be charging full amount after February. Plus... now there will be more paperwork for the 2020 tax year to be filed. :-(
I have tried to relax and accept that others have control in these things. The only thing to do is go with the flow. I'M A RIVER... I'M A RIVER...
Good News: The remodel of sorts is almost complete on the cargo rig and the road will still be there and I hopefully will be on it soon!
I hope your day will be pleasant and all is well with you!