Yesterday I really would have rather spent the complete day playing hooky but responsibility got the best of me. So after a breakfast at Burger King, I made a few telephone calls that I needed while I had a good cell signal and picked up a tranny cooler for my truck.
I did indulge in a treat of the long way home through the little burg of Flemington. Then I started my next project of placing a mailbox.
I had found a team of horses I wanted to place on top of the box in honor of Carl.

Also, I have a small windmill that we had meant to put together and place in the yard but we never found the time.
This task I vow to complete soon.
Woot - Woot! I spent the remaining part of the day relaxing & rewarding myself for a job finally completed. Well maybe a little late... Ok a lot late... 20 years! Lol.