I am really glad to be retired now and especially since this world changing pandemic. However, in retrospect there was never a dull moment for me as Security Director at a local manufacturing plant. My job required a wide range of skills. One day I might have to climb out on the roof & through a window to open a door from the inside, while the next day could see me sweeping up glass on the parking lot, picking up abandon safe alongside the road, watching out for unscrupulous activities like pornography being filmed on back loading dock (yes it happened) or plain old directing traffic... to trying to pick the lock on the CEO’s office when he left his key inside.
When I trained the slew of officers & backup staff working for me I described the duties as “You will be a jack of all trades, master of none,” I was amused and yet slightly offended when one trainee offered a less than complimentary interpretation from his native Russian: “Equipped with knives all over, yet none are very sharp.”
Oh well it was interesting or not most days!
My life this day will be farm hand, mechanic, truck washer and delivery driver (don't ask how all these tittles match 🤪) all to pick up my new lawn tractor.
Anyway... Be A Master Of Your World... Have A Wonderful Day!