Funny thing Fred...
My 21/2-year-old grandson, Lucus, brought a coloring book to me and said, “Read it.”
I proceeded to make upwords to go with each page. When I finished “reading,” Lucas said, “I don’t think I’ve heard that story before.
A group of our friends from college were planning a picnic, and it sounded like fun.
The only problem was that time had been a bit tight for me, as I was a busy mother with two small children. What did I have that we could contribute to the picnic? Then a thought struck. I could make a cherry pie! A friend had given me a quart of canned cherries that would make a very nice pie filling. So I prepared the crust, thickened the cherries, and put the pie together. When it came out of the oven, it looked so good and the aroma was wonderful. At the picnic, my husband, Carl, was the first to take a bite of my pie. I saw a puzzled look go across his face. Then he began to spit out cherry pits. It had not occurred to me that someone would actually "can" cherries without pitting them first. How embarrassing for me! Well, he was married to me & loved me anyway. And the cherry pie was an inside joke for 30 years.
😄 My young daughter was planting some flower seeds on a sweltering day, sweating from the hot sun.
I told her, “You need to wait until the sun goes down, or plant in the morning when it is coolest.” My young daughter said, “I can’t do that. It says on the package, ‘Plant in full sun!’ ”