Today reminds me:

Mark 11:23 is a powerful verse about faith and confession that believers claim and use around the world.
But the principle in this verse works in both a positive and negative sense — or to put it another way, this principle works both in the realm of God and in the realm of the devil.
The word “doubt” is from the Greek word diakrinomai, which means to hesitate, to waver, to doubt, or to differ.
In context, Jesus said that when a person’s heart doesn’t differ from what his mouth is saying, the combination of his heart and mouth in agreement will always make things happen!
Let's call this concept “the heart-mouth connection.” For instance, if you believe in your heart that Jesus purchased your healing, and you put your heartfelt faith together with the confession of your mouth, you can literally bring that healing into manifestation in your physical body. Creative power is released when the heart and mouth get into agreement!
That is why you must be careful about what you believe in your heart and say with your mouth, because when your heart and mouth get “in sync” with each other, it literally makes things come to pass!
This heart-mouth combination works on both the positive and negative sides of life. It can bring about the manifestation of healing in your body, salvation to your family, prosperity to our life.
Our enemies knows if they can fill our mind and heart with lies that we believe and then coax us into confessing those lies with our mouth, we will make those evil images come to pass in our life!
But actually, it doesn’t just apply to Bible verses; Even for those that are not believers in Christ, it applies to anything you believe in your heart and say with your mouth.
So if you to believe and say wrong things, your own heart and mouth will cause those killer confessions to come to pass.
I know it’s hard to control our mouth sometimes, but when we start to “run at the mouth” and say any ol’ thing that is in our head, we’re playing with fire!
It is a scientific fact that when you speak something out loud, those words are verified and empowered in our mind.
Your mind is going to be filled with something, so you may as well choose the right thing to fill it. Our choice in this matter will determine our success or our failure in life, so we need to make sure we choose wisely!
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