“Twas the night before Christmas, and out in the garage. Two Motorcycles were sitting...... a V Twin montage & three wheel - 6 cyl.
But all of the streets they were covered with rain.... Not a safe - dry place to ride, not a spot on the road.
The tenders were plugged in and humming away.
Keeping batteries charged on that cool winter's day.
The chrome was all shiny, the paint bright and clean,
But the weather outside was nasty and mean.
Then out in the yard I heard such a sound, But how can that be, there was no-one around?
Then out in the driveway was a thunderous roar, The unmistakable sound of a V Twin, big bore.
The driver was plump dressed in red leather and black boots. A long beard of white and a big leather sack. He went to the house and walked right through the door, Leaving gifts by the tree and gifts on the floor.
A new coat, shirts and pants to make the ride safe on those warm nights.
A new set of 90° valve stem extenders just to make the bike tires happy. Chrome plate cover, a bit of new bling. Then back to his Bagger, old Biker Clause ran. He fired it up and lifted the stand. And I heard him exclaim as he roared out of sight.
Safe riding to all, and to all a good night.”
Merry Times ... Safe riding in 2025.