Yesterday in boondocks Mississippi I was determining which limited fast food establishment to partake a meal.
I stopped in front of Subway. Now my thought was that I could go inside to enjoy a Sandwich with Chips.
My mind started this inquisitive pattern of questions. I wondered where did we get the idea for potato chips?
Well since I have a passion for knowledge and my resolution of learning something new every day kicked in.
I ordered my sandwich & picked my chips, (diet has taken a slight vacation too 🤪)
Then I proceeded with a little research on the topic.
The story goes like this...
Once upon a time, (actually it was 1853) a customer dined at Saratoga’s springs’ NY, Moon Lakehouse. Like most people he ordered the house specialty– Moon’s Fried potatoes. Chef George Crum gave him exactly what he ordered, but the batch of fried potatoes kept coming back to the kitchen because the customer kept complaining that they were too thick.

Who wouldn’t be upset with an annoying customer who insults your cooking?
This led Chef George Crum to cut the last batch of potatoes as thin as possible, fry them to a crisp and add tons of salt. Crum thought that now the chips were surely inedible. Surprisingly, there’s a twist. Once his revenge dish was served the customer took his first bite– AND LOVED IT.
There you have it... Our potato chips were born!
Now you know that every potato chip lover will forever be grateful to the annoying customer and Chef Crum’s unexpected revenge plot.
That's The Story And I'm Sticking To It!