Today forecast is to be a little chilly and the distain for the dreary days to come make me want to trek to town and check on my mail and run a few errands.
After my target tasks and breakfast is completed I would love to give into my urge to find a cozy corner and enjoy the day.
However, with Winter Mississippi Snowbird Schedule, I've got to run back to run to Hattiesburg to run some errands.
However, Libraries are one of my favorite places in the world. The place where great authors live and will always be home right on the shelf.
Reading whisks me away to new lands, teaches about the world around us, drives me to ask hard questions and asks me to imagine “What if?”
Plus Libraries truly are remarkable places, and in today's world, we need them now more than ever for those to obtain information & knowledge for free.
Did you know that Americans still check out more than 2 billion items each year from their public library?
It is a place where you can sit for hours with no noises of the world, just a cozy chair and silence with an actual book or magazine of your choice.
Sometimes it is refreshing to disconnect from the electronic world get lost in the days long gone.
However today to be honest I looking at booking a hotel to spend some time in a getaway area.
I guess I'm still hooked to the electronics but some time soon I'll be the one with the nose behind the book.