The temperature has been fantastic these last few days. So it was a perfect time to get the riding in before rain drops occured again.

I am still getting used to the Ryker Trike and everything it entails.
The ride is not as smooth as I thought it should be but I suspect the right tire might be a little out of round. Duane seems to think with a little wear it will work out.
My GW Trike is smoother but the Ryker will be a good short trips & local runs to keep the miles off of the Goldwing Trike.
It is akin to four wheeling but I know it is best to avoid pot holes & rough pavement. Definitely I've got to keep the pressure in the front tires checked & kept at correct amount.
Hoping the fun continues and my back & butt holds out for this riding. Today everything was good. The mount & dismount was perfect.
I'm waving goodbye until next time!