Seems like every small town in America had at least one. It used to be a meeting place, a social center, a place where each day the problems of the town, the state, the country, and the world are solved—the local diner.
In some towns, it’s a silver-sided, classic metal vintage building of the now long gone era of long rows of multi colored vinyl covered stools lined up at the Formica countertop, or maybe a few booths, all with matching vinyl upholstery, across the room. At each booth, you might find a small jukebox on each table. Ready to play your assortment of favorite songs for a mere quarter.

In other towns, the local diner may be part of a bigger business such as Gray's General Store or Dax's Truck Stop and Eats, maybe a Darla's DoDrop Inn. Small business owners making a living and locals meeting together
I like small town diners and I have some favorites over the years of traveling. I love to think about how the regulars never missed a day so as not to be kept up on the local gossip of the day.

Fast forward to modern day and you can go into any local McDonalds, Hardees, Burger King, Wendy's or etc. to find a similar gathering place for the local teens, families, and senior citizens.

Somehow I still feel something is missing from these modern day venues. Maybe it is just me born in the wrong era.

I'll just continue to enjoy my long ago era dining whenever I can. See ya along the road...