I like my coffee black and my mornings bright. Little did I know someone else did too.
"Good Morning!"
A phrase we all use all the time right?
I say it to everyone. I guess you could say it's some kind of a blessing to one another to start the day, a greeting to break the ice, maybe just a habit to some but to most, an act of politeness.
One "Good Morning" to me has a whole different meaning than it does to most people. I don't remember how often I say it nor do I remember any special moments I've really used it, except one...
I remember it was a warm, rainy morning and I drove to my usual morning University classes, parked in my usual parking spot and walked into my "College Algebra Class."
That's when it took on a whole new meaning. I looked up and my usual Professor Dr. Paul Wolff wasn't there.
Oh no, it definitely wasn't the usual.
I looked at a sharply dressed man with a smile and eyes that lit up the room!
Oh my God! I was thinking, there was something about him and I can't tell you what it was but he glowed, he brightened even the gloomiest day.
Then it happened... he looked at me and said "Good Morning!"
Nothing special to most people but to me the most memorable good morning I'll ever remember. He smiled and just said "Good Morning!"
I muttered out something somewhat wise and funny and just watched him.
It wasn't his physical looks or what he was wearing. No, it was the way he carried himself, the way he glowed around people.
Little did I know he would later love me and little did he know that I would later love him.
However, for about six months we realized we just enjoyed each other's conversation and companionship.
Often I would look for any excuse to stop in and see him - like buying a coffee & pastry that I couldn't even drink or eat in class. I would stop at a local shop often to buy the coffee & pastry to try to gobble & gulp down before class.
One morning I order a cup of coffee and cherry pastry but they fixed two. I paid for both anyway and decided to drop off the extra coffee & pastry to him. He was estatic with appreciation.
One day he asked me for my phone number. I was reluctant at first but I knew this was my chance to really get to know this awesome man.
For months we talked before class, in the classroom, after class and later on the phone.
Then eventually in a little cafe that served the best clam chowder, which ended up as our first date.
Our conversation just flowed on for hours.
As time went on we knew we had fallen in love. I don't mean just plain love!
This felt like a once in a lifetime love that's from the heart, a love story of no matter what your committed together.
Good Thing because later it had to be with the sword & battle from the world we endured against us.
You see it's not much a story about "Good Mornings;" it's much more.
It's a story about good beginnings, and good evenings and most of the time... good times. A life we did not want to live with anyone else.
It's a love story about my guy and myself.
His name became... husband, my children's father, also a grandfather. He was my lover and best friend... "My Darling Carl."

And yes, I realize that he was a gift and I thank God every day for those 37 years together.
So you see some people think "Good Morning" is just a greeting or a phrase to be polite but not me...
I know "Good Morning" was the start of a love story, mine and his... Not always perfect because we are all flawed & human but... It was the start of a new beginning, of getting on with our lives; of growing older together.

Foot rubs, hugs, cuddles and holding hands on the couch-till death do us part.
Actually in our case the last time I hugged, held his hand, said our last Good Morning and sadly our last Goodbye was along side his hospital bed May 31, 2014. Together until the end.

Everywhere around me is a memory of him. Even though my heart still aches,
I rejoice that I still have the memories.
It gives me courage to start each day with a little different normal but hey... life still goes on even though it hurts to be without him.
Everyday I choose to take a breath and continue walk forward for him. He has made all things possible for me.
Remembering to say "Good Morning!"
So Good Morning Ya'll!