Today along our journey we came upon a little town called Two Egg, Florida.

I've been hearing about Two Egg, Florida from the locals in the weeks we've explored Northern Florida. I heard that you were not a true Floridian unless you had at least heard of Two Egg.
Now I have actually to been to Two Egg!
Two Egg is a little crossroads town not far from the Alabama and Georgia state lines. This part of Florida is what the late writer Al Burt used to call Florabama, and it's not too far from Florgia either. Two Egg is truly on the Florida back roads. It is at the intersection of State Road 69 and State Road 69A. There are only a couple of old buildings at the crossroads. It seems that for many years a sawmill owned by the Allison Company was located at the crossroads.

Until fairly recent years, the Lawrence store was located there. The nearest big town is Marianna, Florida about 11 miles away as the crow flies and a bit further by road. During the depression in the 1930s, cash was very hard to come by. Local folks began to trade farm products for other staples in the store. One story has it that two boys used to come in with two eggs from their family farm to trade them for sugar. Locals began to jokingly call the place the "two egg store", and the name stuck. In any event, it is an official name now with a State of Florida highway sign that marks the place. There are at least two local legends involving Two Egg, Florida and Jackson County. One has to do with a female ghost who hangs around nearby Bellamy bridge. The legend says her bridal gown caught fire on her wedding day and she died from the burns. Her ghost still wanders the area looking for the husband she almost had. Another legend involves sightings of a small kind of Bigfoot looking monster. Several folks claim to have seen this creature walking and running in the swamps and woods on two legs. The locals call this creature the "Two Egg Stump Jumper". Hollywood legend & Academy Award winning actress Faye Dunaway spent her childhood years in a small house just north of Two Egg in the community of Bascom.
Another Day Of Unique Finds...