Yesterday's impromptu ride took me to Alabama.

First stop was a fill-up for the tummy at Highway 217 Cafe & Grill in Semmes, Alabama.

(The Alabama Burger Basket... 6oz beef with grilled red peppers, grilled onions and swiss cheese, tomato with Mayonnaise.)
Then I visited The Semmes one-room schoolhouse that was built in 1902 and happens to be the oldest continuous-in-use school in the State of Alabama.
It is listed on the Alabama Historical Landmarks list and was given this designation on August 25, 1994. It is located on land that was donated for a school and a church by Thomas Jefferson Howell. Mr. Howell donated the land based on the stipulation that the land would be used for a schoolhouse only or it would revert back to the Howell family.
The schoolhouse was moved across the road in 1917, next to the new Semmes School.
The school was moved back to its original site in 1998. The school was restored to its 1902 condition in 1999 by volunteers and with donations from the community.
It continues to still operate today with volunteers as a hands-on 1900s school.
The goal of the volunteer organization, the Alumni & Friends of Semmes School is to continue to utilize the 1902 School as a “living history classroom” for the Semmes Community. Student field trips and adult tours of Heritage Park that are scheduled by appointment.

I peeked in the windows but here are some photos I found on-line of the inside...

The Malone Chapel is also located in Heritage Park. It is a replica of Mt. Pleasant Church that was located on the spot originally. The Chapel is available for weddings and special events with the funds contributing to the operational costs of Heritage Park.

Heritage Park...

It was a beautiful & restful afternoon loping along Mississippi and Alabama roads. Sunshine was abound, sweet rock & roll in the head set and the breeze at my back.
A Great Day In The Neighborhood!