Update on the latest Fiascos!

Now it's been a hunt for laundry needs. The Laundromat has gotten old and quite expensive. Thus, I decided to order a compact 1.8cu portable washer as desired by my daughter.
A few days later it was delivered to her door and excitedly we unpacked and wash the first small load. Several items sloshed in the stainless steel tub. We stood marveling at the little powerhouse. It looked so beautifully sleek. However our excitement and joy subsided when the unit entered the drain mode. Water flooded out across the floor. After we chased the water for about an hour we were able to determine the cause... The unique drain connection was cracked underneath the unit. So the washer went back into the box and was returned for a full refund.
The next big idea was to drive up to the local Lowes and purchase a full size washer to be fitted as a portable. To explain the reasoning... there happens to be no washer & dryer hookups available at my daughter's rental home. Cousin Cecil/landlord said that's a cheaper solution okay by him.

Oh well... all in a day's life! 🙄