Never a dull moment this year & if it wasn't for bad luck...
According to the latest news: The Florida Forest Service’s Blue Incident Management team now has assumed command of the Adkins Avenue Fire, Bertha Swamp Road Fire and a new fire, Star Ave Fire, that started on Sunday. Firefighting efforts for these wildfires are being coordinated under the name Chipola Complex. When two or more wildfires are burning close together in the same area, they are often called a “complex” and attacked by firefighters under a unified command.
A strike team of heavy bulldozers is focusing on building firelines and defensible space around the communities. The heavy bulldozers are better equipped to move large volumes of debris and to establish wider firelines than typical initial attack tractor-plow units. In addition to the strike team including planes and helicopter support, there are tractor-plows working to contain the fire.
There are currently 171 wildfires burning more than 15,000 acres throughout Florida. Florida Forest Service wildland firefighters and resources from numerous fire and emergency service departments are working around the clock to help suppression efforts.
Advise is that it's important for residents to use extreme caution and remain aware of current wildfire activity while traveling and in their home location.
We're sitting here ok but watching the smoke waffling through the winds. 🙄