Yesterday was a ride to find the history of a nearby area... Pascagoula, Mississippi.

The Pascagoula region changed hands over the centuries, being occupied variously by Indians, the English, French, and Spanish until well after the American Revolution War. It did not come into the permanent possession of the United States until 1812 when it was added to the Mississippi Territory. At one point, for 74 days in 1810, Pascagoula was a part of what was known as the Republic of West Florida. Pascagoula was incorporated as a village in 1892 and obtained city status in 1901.
Today's downtown Pascagoula used to be the town of Scranton, Mississippi (incorporated in 1870) until the two towns merged in 1912.

Interesting Tidbit about Pascagoula...
In October 1973, an alleged unidentified flying object sighting and alien abduction is said to have occurred when co-workers Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker claimed they were abducted by aliens while fishing near Pascagoula. The incident, Pascagoula Abduction, earned substantial mass media attention.

In June 2019, Pascagoula placed an historical marker near the alleged abduction site.

On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina's 20-foot storm surge devastated Pascagoula, much like Biloxi and Gulfport and the rest of the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Katrina came ashore during the high tide. Nearly 92% of Pascagoula was flooded. Most homes along Beach Boulevard were destroyed, and FEMA trailers became an omnipresent sight. Due to the media focus on the plight of New Orleans and Biloxi-Gulfport in the aftermath of Katrina, many Pascagoula citizens have expressed feeling neglected or even forgotten following the storm.

One notable celebrity from Pascagoula, Mississippi (Jimmy Buffett) was born there Christmas day 1946.

The Town has named a bridge after him with him in attendance in 2015.

At Any Rate... It Was A Great Day In The Neighborhood!