Speaking of murder leads me to think about my adventures a few days ago.
I took a walk through a cemetery with my family. I noticed there were headstones dating back to the early 20th century, and I read many of the inscriptions. As I did so, it occurred to me that most of the gravestones said little, other than the length of his or her life, about the person buried there.
I want my gravestone to be different. The mark I leave on this world may be smaller than a gnat, but I want anyone reading my headstone to know something about me.
There are some inscriptions I don’t want on my stone. A couple of them come to mind:
Diana H.
She Worked Too Much
and Played Too Little
Diana H.
She Didn’t Know How To Have Much Fun
but She Had a Lot of Money... Now That Isn't Going To Happen
Diana H.
195x to (anything)
Diana H.
Sadly Missed by Almost None
I have some ideas for words I’d find acceptable for my gravestone. For instance:
Diana H.
Devoted Wife and Mother
Fan of the Motorcycles, German Chocolate Cake and Diet Coke
or maybe an inscription that tells the story of my demise would let visitors to my grave know I enjoyed life right to the end:
Diana H.
195X – 2050
Loving wife of Carl H. (195x – 20xx)
Killed While Searching For That Perfect Burger
In the end, we’re all here for a very short while and we leave little behind except a few loved ones and a few words chiseled in stone. Maybe I’ll be lucky and my final resting place will be adorned by a beautiful chunk of granite, into which the following words will be etched:
Diana H.
195x – 20xx
Devoted Wife & Mother
Patriot and Loving Friend
Died of a Heart Attack Sustained While Riding Off In The Sunset Toward Her Next Adventure...
