All In A Life... My Advice.

My advice for those who finally are able to work after this pandemic to remember that undoubtly the job market may look different than before and sometimes it is not all the manicured prep and traditional methods that gets the job. Sometimes you just have to connect with your interviewer.
For instance a cute petite friend of mine interviewed for a summer job, she had arranged interviews at several day-care centers. At one meeting, she sat down on one of the kiddie seats, no simple task for most people. The interview went well, and at the end, the day-care center director asked the standard question, "Can you give me one good reason why we should hire you?" Her response, "Because I fit in the chairs." She got the job!
Another incident of pitching that extra connection above all others was a friend of my daughter. She had interviewed with a local State University as a Clerk. She had all the credentials and references on her perfectly typed resume just like all other persons applying for the job. However, she had included one skill on her resume that got the Director's attention. She had included at the end of her qualification "I can drive a tractor too!" She got the job.
I also found that even making errors on your resume can still result in getting the job.
I had just graduated from College and was actively seeking to utilize my degree within State Government. I had already sent our hundreds of resumes to no avail. In a almost last ditch effort I reconstructed my resume to take with me on my job interview but in my hast I had mistakenly typed one of my dates of employment as 1880. The interview went swimmingly well but to my horror I spotted error too late. I had already handed it to the Deputy Director who had conducted the interview. This was back in the day when computers were not a part of everyday life. I rushed to the next block and borrowed the library's typewriter to retype my resume. I went back to the office building equipped to leave my corrected version. The Deputy Director was so impressed with my diligence to detail and correcting my error that she hired me on the spot.
Ya never know...