What does a car have four of but a motorcycle only two? Sure, tires! However, the similarities end pretty much there.
If one of your automobile tires goes flat, you can ease over to the road's shoulder and replace it with your spare. The motorcyclist has no such luxury.
In fact in "my case" it is much of a you're stuck until someone comes to get the bike. So this is why I've gone to carting a jack and portable air compressor with me.
If the rear tires on your car wore out two to four times faster than those on the front, got as little as 3,000 miles and cost around $200 each, you'd probably go ballistic. Yet that is what motorcyclists face, particularly if they ride a performance bike and they ride it aggressively.
My problem today is still an issue with my tire slowly losing air over a few days. My last inflation was about a week ago. I've checked & the tire has lost 30lbs.
It is a problem I've seen before because this is what happened to Jim's tire last year in Whicita, Kansas.
In closer inspection it was shoddy manufacturing process of flash around inter tire rim edge.
Rear tire "Life" is typically 6,000-8,000 miles for a motorcycle tire, which generally gets replaced about twice as often as a front tire, because it puts the power to the road and has more weight resting on it. Some riders of touring bikes such as the Honda GL1500 Gold Wing report up to 20,000 miles on the rear and 30,000 on the front. But that is still a far cry from automobile tire mileage, which can give a 50,000-mile warranty. Incidentally, you don't see advertising claims or mileage guarantees on motorcycle tires.
Actually, my tire has 11,184 miles so far in two years of winter riding. So it may be above the curve for some bikes & tires. However, today has added frustration with finding a tire that is available, relatively open scheduling and plunking down the $ for a installation.
It may be just airing it daily until I get home to find a solution or tire to resolve the issue.
I'll be wearing a cap to keep my hair intact at the moment... 🤪
Style of riding makes a huge difference on that back tire….. Got 5500 out of the last one on the vstar and got 4000 on the one on it now and barely any wear…( same brand and tire) But I’ve slowed down due to gas prices but I did give it heck coming to see y’all in Blountstown. Amazed it shows almost no wear now….. Good luck getting yours sorted! 👍🏻