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4/12/2021 So Now That Ya'll Got The Needle...

Writer: Nana Nana

I have been approached by several people as to exactly why I have not already gotten the vaccine.

I have studied long and hard what to do. I have been reluctant when everything I've read has not induced me to think that this is a good idea.

This is really the gist of things...

Please read the following link...

Ok I will give you some highlights:


There have been many attempts to make viral vaccines in the past that ended in utter failure, which is why we did not have a coronavirus vaccine in 2020.

In the 1960's, scientists attempted to make an RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) vaccine for infants.

In that study, they skipped animal trials because they weren't necessary back then.

In the end, the vaccinated infants got much sicker than the unvaccinated infants when exposed to the virus in nature, with 80% of the vaccinated infants requiring hospitalization, and two of them died.

After 2000, scientists made many attempts to create coronavirus vaccines.

For the past 20 years, all ended in failure because the animals in the clinical trials got very sick and many died, just like the children in the 1960's.

In 2004 attempted vaccine produced hepatitis in ferrets

In 2005 mice and civets we're became sick and more susceptible to coronaviruses after being vaccinated

In 2012 the ferrets became sick and died. And in this study mice and ferrets developed lung disease.

In 2016 this study also produce lung disease in mice.

The typical pattern in the studies mentioned above is that the children and the animals produced beautiful antibody responses after being vaccinated.

The manufacturers thought they hit the jackpot.

The problem came when the children and animals were exposed to the wild version of the virus.

When that happened, an unexplained phenomenon called Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) also known as Vaccine Enhanced Disease (VED) occurred where the immune system produced a "cytokine storm" (i.e. overwhelmingly attacked the body), and the children/animals died.

Here's the lingering issue...

The vaccine makers have no data to suggest their rushed vaccines have overcome that problem.

In other words, never before has any attempt to make a coronavirus vaccine been successful, nor has the gene-therapy technology that is mRNA "vaccines" been safely brought to market, but hey, since they had billions of dollars in government funding, I'm sure they figured that out.

Except they don't know if they have...


Would youyou like to see the raw data that produced the "90% and 95% effective" claims touted in the news?

Me too...

But they won't let us see that data.

As pointed out in the BMJ, something about the Pfizer and Moderna efficacy claims smells really funny.

There were “3,410 total cases of suspected, but unconfirmed covid-19 in the overall study population, 1,594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1,816 in the placebo group.”


Did they fail to do science in their scientific study by not verifying a major variable?

Could they not test those "suspected but unconfirmed" cases to find out if they had covid?

Apparently not.

Why not test all 3,410 participants for the sake of accuracy?

Can we only guess they didn't test because it would mess up their "90-95% effective" claims?

Where's the FDA?


Wait, what?

Aren't these vaccines supposed to be what we've been waiting for to "go back to normal"?


Why do you think we're getting all these conflicting messages about needing to practice social distancing and wear masks AFTER we get a vaccine?

The reason is because these vaccines were never designed to stop transmission OR infection.

If you don't believe me, I refer you again to the papers submitted to the FDA I linked to above.

The primary endpoint (what the vaccines are meant to accomplish) is to lower your symptoms.

Sounds like just about every other drug on the market right?

That's it...lowering your symptoms is the big payoff we've been waiting for.

Does that seem completely pointless to anyone but me?

It can't stop us from spreading the virus.

It can't stop the virus from infecting us once we have it.

To get the vaccine is to accept all the risk of these experimental products and the best it might do is lower symptoms?

Heck, there are plenty of other things I can do to lower my symptoms that don't involve taking what appears to be a really risky product.

Now for the next logical question:

If we're worried about asymptomatic spreaders, would the vaccine not make it more likely that we are creating asymptomatic spread?

If it indeed reduces symptoms, anyone who gets it might not even know they are sick and thus they are more likely to spread the virus, right?

For what it's worth, I've heard many people say the side effects of the vaccine (especially the second dose) are worse than catching covid.

I can't make sense of that either.

Take the risk.

Get no protection.

Suffer through the vaccine side-effects.

Keep wearing your mask and social distancing...

And continue to be able to spread the virus.


And I'm sure you will call this guy a "quack"! Remember, your doctors know better than he does!!!


Here is what may be the biggest reason this covid vaccine doesn't make sense to me.

When someone who is very pro-vaccine, who has spent his entire professional career overseeing the development of vaccines, is shouting from the mountaintops that we have a major problem, I think the man should be heard.

In case you missed it, and in case you care to watch it, here is Geert Vanden Bossche, explaining:

Why the covid vaccine may be putting so much pressure on the virus that we are accelerating it's ability to mutate and become more deadly.

Why the covid vaccines may be creating vaccine-resistant viruses (similar to anti-biotic resistant bacteria).

Why, because of previous problems with Antibody Dependent Enhancement, we may be looking at a mass casualty event in the next few months/years.

Call me what you want, but I have to scratch my head knowing that some are so quick to get a needle when even the simple things would make anyone hold off:

1. It's an EMERGENCY vaccine

2. 99.74% chance of surviving Covid-19

3. The list of these companies and their history

4. The push by the government, and I mean they are pushing HARD (like a car salesman trying to sell you a lemon) to get the shot into you.

5. The vaccine doesn't even STOP the virus or the threat of transmission!!!

Just amazes me how gullible people are. No proven track record for something that is injected into you and you're chomping at the bit...and then some have called me names & uneducated.

Nope I'll take my chances and wait. It not like I have stayed at home through any of this so call pandemic. I have been in 18 different States. Ate out in restaurants & buffets, shopped at stores, gambled at Casinos and literally stopped nothing in my normal routine. Yet to some I am a miracle. Well, I don't believe that either. I have never been that lucky in my life. However that is another opinion for another day.

This is getting too long today. So the bottom of line is... I will let others be the guinea pigs.

Sorry if I disappoint any others that have chosen another path.


1 Comment

Duane Clark
Duane Clark
Apr 12, 2021

We chose to get it, but we certainly don’t try to blame anyone for the choices that they made. I think it’s just a personal preference as well as weighing the good and the bad. Most of the people I know including my son and daughter-in-law don’t want to get it. And I don’t blame them a bit....


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