It was like yesterday day that my baby needed me.

I knew how fast and fleeting this time would be. But knowing that couldn't help me stop time. All I could do was soak it in, knowing that one day I would long to hold my crying baby in my arms for just one minute, that I’ll look at my clean living room and miss the curious child spreading her toys everywhere, that I’ll take a shower without someone yelling “MAMA” and feel a pang of sadness at my quiet house.
My sweet baby is now a grown 38 year old woman, wife and mother herself. Infact in a few days her son will officially be a teenager.

Time does move onward. I cherish those sweet moments I was given to watch her grow, marvel at her accomplishments & her strengths as she became a beautiful adult.
I wish for her all the happiness in the world today and everyday.
Happy Birthday To My Sweet Sarah!

So proud to be your Mom!