Long before there was television showing long-range weather patterns of the jet stream and ocean currents, local folks had sure signs for when to plant and when to wait.
Our ancestors didn’t even have calendars to consult. Instead, they relied on the signs of nature around them.
In the eastern United States, especially the Appalachians, most of that seasonal lore was named, and is still used by the old-timer today.

What they called Dogwood Winter occurs about the time the dogwoods bloom, usually between mid-April and mid-May, varying from year to year. In some areas, Blackberry Winter and Dogwood Winter occur at the same time, while those living two or three states away may experience two distinct, separate cold snaps.
Dogwood Winter is a somewhat predictable weather event of the thermal currents making a short reversal of direction, bringing a few days or even a week of cold weather, sometimes with frost or snow and potential damage to garden plants. Weather forecasters know it is likely to occur, but it’s not predictable enough to say on what day. The oldtimers knew it usually happens when the dogwoods are in bloom. With the possibility of frost happening during Dogwood Winter, they also knew to wait until after the dogwood bloomed to plant tender vegetables and annuals.

Since this conformed farm girl doesn't garden or plant any longer, I'm just waiting on for this weather to revert back to warm days. To ready for the warmer days we took advantage of the sliver of warmth yesterday to air up all of the motorcycle tires. This was not as easy of a task as you would think. The Harley Davidson needed to be jacked up to air the tire & seat it back to the rim. (another story for later)
Then as the Goldwing was put back in the garage after it's spring airing ritual, a silly man thought he could move it the last few inches by holding it from the side with the kickstand down like the Harley Davidson can be done. Nope the kickstand will release and the weight will be too hard to hold up. However, with two people the monster was picked back up off the garage floor.

If that did not sound exciting enough, the loading & unloading of the new burn barrels I purchased from a neighbor up the road & added with the concrete patio blocks to be placed was a total hoot to our day too.
Let the cool weather resume for a few days. We just might need the rest. This Spring Stuff is a killer. 😂
Stay Warm...