My dream profession’ was the topic given by the English teacher for the 10 minutes speech. We were in seventh grade and were told to submit the draft for approval a day before the speech. Back in early 1970 access to internet was not available. For every essay we have to refer either book / newspaper or use the limited sources we had. I started drafting as soon as I boarded the school bus to home. After religiously dedicating my weekend, a three page draft was ready by Monday morning. Second period was English. We went to the teacher’s desk one by one; on average she took about 2 minutes to check one essay. When my turn came I proudly showed her my essay, the moment she saw the title ‘Social Worker’ she threw the note towards the trash can. It hit the floor as did my heart. Teacher: You think you are so smart? Doctor, engineer, lawyer, scientist, astronaut, these are professions. Social worker is not a profession. Anybody can become a thief, murderer, politician or a social worker, these are not professions. Your essay cannot be accepted. The little Me: Mam I want to be a social worker. I have read about universities offering professional courses in social work. This course even has lot of job opportunities in India and abroad. Teacher: (Heavily breathing with a scowl) There is no such course on earth. You think you know more than what your teacher knows? Your age is my experience. First learn manners. Is this how your mother raised you? Talking back to elders without any respect. Now go and change the topic. Me: But mam the topic says my ‘dream’ profession and this is my dream. Teacher: Then change your dream. I argued that I can change neither the topic nor my dream. The teacher ended up complaining to the principal. He called my mother and I was given a lecture on ‘how to respect elders’. I even lost my grade for not changing the topic. Fast forward a a few decades. I got to see her at one of my friend’s family BBQ. She was talking to a few of her old students. I was one among them but she was deliberately avoiding me. The evil in me volunteered Hi Mam, remember me? Diana K.? 7th grade English? I am working now on my Graduate Studies (after a pause), Masters in Public Administration/-Social Work. and I am a Administrator at the Missouri Department of Social Services. (With a huge grin) I still remember the look on her face. Yes I do believe I was "that smart" I had a dream and did what I set out to do. Never let anybody discourage your dreams!