The universe works in mysterious ways, but you can't help but feel that it sometimes has a sense of humor.

1. One of the most interesting irony examples, the most shoplifted book in America is The Bible".
Apparently, thieves missed the "Thou shalt not steal" part of the Ten Commandments. According to Book Stores & Places Of Worship, the Bible is the most commonly stolen book.
However, The Holy Bible is available for free at many places of worship, so perhaps there's less guilt associated with pilfering a copy there. Let's hope they make it to the part about "repentance" in their stolen copy of the good book.
2. The founder of AA asked for whiskey on his deathbed.
According to The biography "My Name Is Bill", Susan Cheever reveled that the founder asked for alcohol shortly before his death. At the time he was losing his battle against chronic emphysema and only had days to live. It is reported the he asked for whisky on four separate occasions, but it was never given to him. It appears that protecting the legacy of the man who founded Alcoholics Anonymous was more important than comfort during his last hours. Bill Wilson’s requests for whiskey were recorded in the notes by the nurse taking care of him.
I can't fathom ever asking but hopefully even if I did I would hope that mercy in the last hours would be granted to me or anyone.
3. In one of the more hilarious examples of irony, McDonalds' employee health page, which is now shut down, once warned against eating McDonald's burgers and fries.
McDonald's has decided to shut down a website aimed at providing work and life advice to its employees after it was reported that it had urged workers not to eat the very fast food they are hired to produce.
Now why does that not surprise me?
Have a wonderful Weekend...