The full "pink supermoon" will be rising in the sky on Monday, April 26, 2021. It will be the first of three consecutive months with big and bright super moons.
Despite its colorful nickname, the upcoming full “pink moon” of April won’t actually look pink. But it will be worthy of scoping out because it will be one of the biggest and brightest moons of 2021. “Super moons” are moons that turn full when their orbit is tracking closer to the Earth than an average full moon. As a result, a super appears to be 7% to 14% larger and can look up to 30% brighter than an ordinary full moon, especially when it starts to rise over the horizon.
The April super of 2021 will reach its fullest phase at 11:31 p.m. Eastern time on Monday, April 26.
So Eye To The Sky...