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4/4/2019 When Life Gives You Lemons...

Writer's picture: Nana Nana

Sooner or later something happens in life that shakes you up. Overwhelming heartbreak. Unexpected money problems. Serious health scares. All leaving you feeling vulnerable, scared and lost.

Tough times happen to us all. Things go wrong.

I a few years ago I had an unexpected health challenge to deal with and I was glad to have a process in place for dealing with things going wrong. I found at least six solutions that was helpful when something goes wrong. It’s not a cure all, but it’s helped turn some tough situations around.

Sleep On That Problem

Ignoring your problems won’t make them go away. Over thinking them won’t make them go away. Taking them to bed with you at night and feeling anxious won’t solve the challenges you face.

The only thing that helps is to face them head on. So at the end of the day, if the problem remains unsolved start a worry chart. On one side, write the problem down, on the other side, write the first step you can take to deal with it. If you can’t come up with a step, write down, “I don’t know what to do right now and worrying won’t help.” Remember the universe operates in perfect balance and even though you don’t have a solution to your problem yet, there most certainly is one.

Falling asleep in this knowledge is a first step in managing the situation.

Most of scientists and inventors solved many difficult problems after taking a nap.

Today, modern research shows sleep enhances creative problem-solving.

Sleeping on it can work.

It’s not the end of the world

The Chinese have a saying that if you live with a disaster for three years, chances are high it will turn into a blessing. Right now it might feel as though it’s the end of the world. But in 10 days it won’t feel so important and in 10 months you’ll have a hard time remembering what you were worryin about.

Remind yourself that the awful, seemingly horrible, worrisome things that happened last year are lost in the mists of time.  As you learn to take a longer term view you’re less likely to be defeated by momentary setbacks.

Being happy and fulfilled means accepting life’s challenges

The people who succeed in life don’t escape problems. They just learn to manage them constructively. If you think about the challenge as a big fat negative you’ll get a big fat negative result, if you think in a positive, constructive way, you’ll get positive results.

Take a deep breath. Panic a little if you must but don’t crumble just because something’s gone bad. Neither the stars nor fate are going to determine your life. You are. When you’re facing miserable conditions you get a choice, you have a decision to make. Give in or stand up for yourself.

You’re not alone, we’re all in the same boat

Every one of us is in the same predicament. The high achievers among us don’t let hardships defeat them, they use them to develop character and practice rising to the occasion.

Develop constructive ways of facing up to the pain life deals you. Never let it destroy you. Instead, accept it as a reality of life and choose to grow from it.

Your real success in life is determined by how you deal with pain or disappointment, unfairness or loss. Don’t shrink from it, however fearful you are. Expand yourself, you’re greater than you think. Don’t surrender. Triumph. Always give it your best shot and with each step you’ll become stronger and bigger than any problem you might have.

Don’t think outside the box – throw the box away

Resisting the reality of what is can only create more pain and sorrow. Challenge your old way of doing things your old thinking, conventional thinking. It might be easier to do things in the same old way, but you’ll just get the same old results. Successful people think about solutions most of the time. The rest are continually talking about their troubles, what caused them and how unfortunate they are. Don’t be one of them. Question if there’s a better way. Ask how your challenge can be solved and once you make the break from the old way of handling things new thoughts, new ideas, new solutions will flow. Your mind will no longer be stunted by limited thinking.

When all else fails

Remember the best part in this game of life is that you’re the player, the referee, the judge and jury. How can you lose? Every day gives you the opportunity to begin again. It’s your story. You hold all the tools that create your life and how you respond when things go wrong determines your rewards.

Remember that the very time it seems all is lost, you might actually be heading towards incredible success. Sometimes when it seems you’re losing, you’re actually winning. Don’t ever lose sight of the fact that by expecting the best you have a shot at a silver lining.

Hang In There...




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