Stuck in rush-hour traffic, I couldn’t help but stare when a burly biker wearing black leather jacket and chaps pulled up next to me on a shocking pink Harley Davidson. My first thoughts were, “Is that really a pink Harley? I wonder if he’s…”
Just then the traffic cleared and he pulled in front of me. On the back of his helmet were stenciled the words “Yes it is. No I’m not.” 😅

Which windshield wiper blade always quits first? That’s right—the driver’s side. This once happened to me one day while driving home in the middle of a blinding storm. Unable to see, I pulled over and tried to figure out a quick fix. I found it in a yellow cotton work sock that was lying on the floor. I pulled the sock over the wiper arm. It did a great job keeping my windshield clear. Not only that— you’d be surprised at how many people waved. 😄

When my friend got a job, her husband agreed to share the housework.
He was stunned by the amount of effort involved in keeping a house clean with small boys to pick up after, and insisted that he and his wife shop for a new vacuum cleaner.
The salesman gave them a demonstration of the latest model. “It comes equipped with all the newest features,” he assured them.
The husband was not convinced.
“Don’t you have a riding one?” he asked. 🤣

My friend couldn’t decide whether to go to Salt Lake City or Denver for vacation, so she called the airlines to get prices. “Airfare to Denver is $300,” the cheery salesperson replied. “And what about Salt Lake City?” “We have a really great rate to Salt Lake—$99,” she said “But there is a stopover.” “Where?” “In Denver,” she said.
😁 Smiles for you today...