Sorry, I am behind on yesterday's blog entry. I got delayed yesterday with riding my motorcycle. It was one beautiful day. I couldn't resist getting out into the wind!
I have to reflect on the fact that I love to ride my motorcycle. When I close my eyes I imagine riding my motorcycle. Riding west, east, north, and south. I imagine myself riding west to watch the sunset or riding east to watch the sunrise across the horizon. Oh wait, I've done that before. However, I would love to do it again with Jim.
I want to ride until I tire then setup camp in some beautiful valley and awake in the morning and do it all over again. Most of my dreams are me riding to my travel destinations by motorcycle or at least motorcycle riding once I unload from a toy hauler.

In my home there is a Harley Davidson model in my bedroom, a travel theme to my walls, maps and motorcycle key rings, magazines about motorcycles and motorcycle travel routes. On my garage wall is an tin art picture of a motorcycle repair shop. Most of my friends are motorcycle people. My computer is littered with motorcycle photographs, links to websites, and bookmarks to places I want to ride to.
Motorcycles touch every part of my life. In this, I know there are others out there like me.
I know I must not be alone???

Could be a hobby?
: a pursuit outside one’s regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation... Well... Yes it is a hobby!
Maybe a life·style?
Life-style: the typical way of life of an individual, group, or culture... maybe since home and play life involved... Yep, that fits too!
Could it be an ad·dic·tion?
: the quality or state of being addicted : compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance or thing... Bingo, that is it!
They Say Step 1 is – Admit you are powerless over motorcycles I am drawned to and totally consumed with thought of motorcycles. I surrender myself over to them.
I am a motorcycle addict.
Okay, I have said it but... that is it. There is "NO" 12 Step Program wanted or needed since I would have to want to stop. Not happening... No Way Joe... I'm a happy addict!
See ya later... Got to go feed my addiction!
Nana 😎
