This Sunday morning I awoke of things in my childhood. Just ordinary days.
Mom used to do laundry with a Maytag wringer washer that was bought before I was born sometime in mid 50's.

Every laundry day she reminded me to stay back from the wringer mechanism. My desire to try it was almost overwhelming most days.

Mother religiously hung her clothes outside on the clothesline even after she had an electric dryer.
The old clothes pins and bag are a thing of the past too for most people today.

These things and others run through my head at random times. Miss those days with my mother.
Memories for another day.
Maytag quit making them in 1983... I remember my Aunt being in the same situation in the mid 70’s...My dad and older brother built an addition on her house and added hookups for washer and dryer...and a bathroom and bedroom, her first running water other than a old cast iron kitchen sink.... In 78 her old wringer washer died... and it was time for that washer and dryer combo but even in bad health she didn’t want it.... Said uses too much water and electricity... We told her they don’t make those any more. And to our amazement Sears special ordered her one although it no longer was a catalogue item.... Looked just like the ones in the 50’s-60’s.... Drug the old one…