If you’ve been a rider since you were a kid, you’ll know the power of those early years you spent with a motorcycle. You’ll also likely know how important a parent’s, grandparent's or mentor’s role is in teaching the basics and providing opportunities to ride. And if you came to bikes later in life, imagine how great it would have been to have had a chance to cut your motorcycling teeth as a youngster.

I’m fortunate enough to be able to speak with some experience.
When I was 12 years old I first started riding a mini bike, by the time I was 16 years old, I was riding a 1971 Honda CB 100. Now 51 years later I am still riding motorcycles and have the same smile on my face.

Yesterday I was so very proud to have my granddaughter take interest in riding with me. Afterwards she stated that she was surprised that it was relaxing and related that she enjoyed the ride with me. Maybe someday I will have a regular riding partner! 👏🎉

It's A Good Day In The Neighborhood!