Riding for me is like breathing.
Right from be the beginning at 12 years old I was hooked for life.
There would never be any fear or hesitation for me when throwing my leg over a motorcycle.
My father always said I took to it like "Duck To Water."
It is truely home for me!
Riding on a motorcycle through a picturesque landscape with the wind in your face gives you a sense of freedom that knows no bounds.
Through advertisements, movies, books, and TV series, bikes have been made synonymous with freedom and adventure. However, there is more to riding a bike than just freedom. There is a lifestyle that few understands...
There is a sister/brotherhood with Motorcycles. No matter day or night someone is there to help if needed. You will find camaraderie in the saddle. You are forever a community of like minded people who gets this crazy love for these machines.
Most of us will give the simple wave as we pass, wishing a safe and happy journey.
These machines will take you places you will remember all your life. The smells and wind against your skin somehow evelopes the horizon and views to a more sensational experiences. Colors are brighter and senses are more keen. You are experiencing the world on a natural high of nature. There is no other feeling like it.
My days are better because of these machines. It is a lifetime change for the few that share this love. If I have to explain to you, you will not get it.
At any rate my hope and wish is: To see you in the wind!