Nature is a very funny thing. There are times when the destructive power of nature is fast and furious and then there are times when nature just chips away at something and turns it into something new.
Man might try to conquer nature or redirect the course it is taking, but sometimes it is just easier to give in. That is the case on Highway 587 at Red Bluff, otherwise known as the Mississippi Grand Canyon.
The canyon has been formed over millions of years by erosion from the nearby Pearl River. Highway 587 had to be rerouted due to erosion and that erosion has created a geological wonder that you would never dream of finding in Mississippi.

As you pull up to the "Road Closed" signs, where the highway used to be the highway, you will find an area that is clearly used for parking.

The canyon stretches a half-mile wide and reaches nearly a mile long and grows larger as time passes and rains come and go. As you step out of your vehicle and draw near the edge of the 150-foot-deep gorge, the vista before you is a breathtaking look over the tops of miles of trees and the Pearl River. Clouds dot a blue sky and below you is the canyon, unbelievably deep and begging to be explored... Except by me... I do get jittery looking at canyons and cliff drop-offs. 😱
However, now for everyone's safety asphalt as been brought in to deter visitors from driving too near the edge.
A few still gawked from the edge...

Another adventure day...