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Writer's pictureNana

6/26/2021 A Mother's Love Is Never Forgotten...

This month of June always brings back floods of memories since the day my mother left my life 39 years ago. Some of the fondest memories are those of which we used to talk for hours and enjoy our girl's lunches. Most of the time I knew her favorite fastfood that she would want. We would sneak away to Long John Silver's for her a two piece fish dinner meal. Since Dad was not a Fish Lover this was always a treat for her. I find myself still allowing myself a meal there or similar places in her honor. You see, like my father, fish in most cases is not on my top list either but I grew to love the fish meals because of her.

So on this day I wish my dear mother, Happy Birthday. Although I always miss her, the endless joy she brought to my life still brings warmth to my heart.

On this birthday of hers, my wish is for her to be happy wherever she is right now.

Love Eternally,


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