I own a few motorcycles because of a personal life choice. One day when I am very old and when I can not ride anymore, they will be in my garage as a trophies of my memories. I have met people who taught me something and have the same spirit. I meet people now who get wisdom from me. I get wet, I get cold, And I have been hot, I've been afraid, I fell, And I stood up, I even hurt myself doing something stupid, But also, I laughed out loud with the wind. I spoke a thousand times with myself and God... Still do. I sang and shouted with joy like a mad woman, And yes ... sometimes I cried. I have seen wonderful places because of motorcycles. I have made curves that even my brothers would be proud of; other times I made curves full of terror. I stopped many times to see the landscape. I spoke with perfect strangers. I go out with frustrations inside and return home with a feeling of absolute peace in my heart. I always think how dangerous it is, knowing that the meaning of courage is to advance even feeling fear. Every time I go up to my motorcycle I think about how wonderful it is. I learned through gestures to communicate with other riders. I spend money differently.
I don't buy cigarettes, or do nail salons or hair salons, & rarely drink alcohol.
I may have given up many things others buy, but it's all worth it... Because then I have the money to collect road campers with my bike.

My bike is not a means of transportation but is a piece of iron with wheels that God has blessed me with, it's part of who I am.
It's my solitude time with the Lord.
May God bless my friends and their joy of great places, people & motorcycles!