The relation of sister and brother is the purest form of love. They love each other, care for each other and protect each other from birth till death.
The love and respect you get from your siblings are not to be taken for granted. Especially if you are a sister and you have a brother, elder or younger, you know how much you feel for them.
My younger brother & I have been through many things in life.
We share the same memories, same house, same parents with same early life growing up, as teens then adulthood.
I love that little brother no matter what. He is not perfect but he is my Brother.
I know my little brother has done some horrid things. Some people will choose to hate him.
But I always know, as his sister I can't hate him. He has done his job of aggregation over the years but I still can only love him until forever because he is my blood & kin... my little Bro.
Somewhere out the there in his world I hope he has a good & blessed birthday!