To commerate the 10th of the month; confess you know you have done these things too!
1. Carefully inspecting an item at the grocery store because someone is standing in front of the one you actually want.
Just yesterday I was in the grocery isle looking for crab salad when the deli area was packed with people so now more than ever I find myself at least six foot away inspecting every cheese known to man until I could move into the area. All I needed was to reach the plastic container.
2. Stumbling and then turning it into a funny dance.
I am an expert on funny dance & especially holes in your yard. If there is a hole or dip within yours or your neighbor's yard I will definitely find it and perform moves you have never witnessed or want to ever see again.
3. Read the directions on a box of food, throw it in the trash, then retrieve it because you've forgotten everything already.
I have a well worn path to the trash can and nevermind I have bought the same pizza brand for ages but still can't remember the oven temperature.
4. Hit the elevator button multiple times.
Yep just happened me just last month while accompanying Jim to his appointment at the Doctor's office. You see the button lit up but there is no elevator. Soooo... you can't see the harm in pushing it again.
5. Feel personally victimized by an inanimate object.
Some of us but not naming names believe obvioustly the only reason their smart phone can't find a Wifi signal or acts abnormal is that it hates you and is being a jerk. Or maybe when the printer decides to jam, it's because it's still holding some hidden grudge against you, specifically, and has made a conscious decision to make your life more difficult. Ya, technology doesn't just stop working, it fails on purpose—leading us to many angry outbursts at inanimate objects.
6 Carrying way too much from your car so you can "make it in one trip"
A second trip? Absurd. I can imitate a pack horse very well. If needed I can balance four plastic bags on each arm, grip two with my teeth, hold the milk between my knees, and bunny hop into the house.
7. Buy a week's worth of fresh vegetables and fruits but forgetting you have them in the crisper & not eating any of it.
I can say me and my lettuce have a strange relationship. 8. Take out your phone to check the time or weather then, get distracted and totally forgetting what time it is or what forecast to expect for the day.
Oh the good old days when we actually had watches and looked outside for a feel for the weather.
9. Pulling back the shower curtain just to make sure there are no serial killers hiding behind there.
I've seen too many horror flicks as a child to not look just in case. Don't get me started about the classic film "The Birds"
10. Doing that cozy-in-bed cricket leg rub.
You know you've done it! You know that feeling of sliding into a freshly made bed, and you start rubbing your legs together, like a cricket chirping? Where in the world did that instinct come from? It's like you're trying to start a fire with your legs and make the bed feel even cozier.
I'm sure there are more rediculous thing we catch ourselves doing.
I hope you have a wonderful day now that I have gotten your brain thinking about those little things...