We all have something that goes wrong sometimes, something comical, something embarrassing.
For me there are a couple of things that come to mind.
While in Kansas City a Chinese Lady came up to me and my older brother at the KC Zoo and gave us her camera. Her daughter translated and said that she wanted a photo with me because I was so white & blonde. Me being a 10 year old girl I was so shocked and confused as well as mortified. My brother was in hysterics though.
Another time in New Orleans my husband and I were looking for a particular Steak House that was in the yellow pages. This was back in the day where cell phones & GPS was in the future for us. We relied on paper maps to get us from place to place.
We were not lost (according to him) so we stopped at a convenient mart to ask for directions. We were told it was five miles back the direction we had came so we turned around and re-traced our path... to no avail.
We again stopped at a business where the clerk had a very cajun accent. We could only understand go back to bridge.
We again turned around headed back towards the way we had went in the first place. This time as we stopped at a signal light we flagged down a pedestrian who gave us correct direction to the steak house. Funny thing we were within 500 ft of it when we had first asked for directions.
We felt we had worked for our supper that night.
Funny Things Happen...