It's a miracle. I finally got my new refrigerator delivered yesterday. A day later, A dollar shorter.
It still took them longer than what I was told by the Delivery Staff themselves.
At 9:08 a.m. I received a call wanting me to send exact directions to my door via a text. He stated that they would be there in one hour. I complyed with the text immediately (well as soon as I could drive somewhere to get a signal enough for cell phone text... Darn rural service!)
I still sat waiting until 11:58 a.m. before they pulled into the driveway. 🙄

It was a close fit but shopping for a right fit was hard! This one is a little snugger than I wanted but best of the side by sides in it's category.
It felt like Goldilocks... This one is too big, this one is too small... Where are the one's just right? 😂
I'm still stoked that I have it here with ice ready today. Now it will be a trip into town for me to stock up on more food, drink, and to partake of breakfast.
Smiling Again Here! 😁