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Writer's pictureNana

7/3/2019  Summer Vacation Tales...

Updated: Jul 3, 2019

When I was a small youngster we spent many weekends at the lake. Upon arriving at our lake-house rental, Mom noticed that it was filthy. So she commissioned us all to grab the cleaning supplies and we proceeded to scrub the toilets, floors, bathtubs, and kitchen cabinets. She was so upset that the house was not ready for guests. Later, my family and I discovered that we were supposed to be staying at the house next door. We had “white-gloved” the wrong place. Whoops!

One Summer vacation with my inquisitive three year daughter we decided to toured the early American bathhouses in Hot Springs, Arkansas. I explained to her what people once did there. When we came upon a mannequin at a desk, I told her, “She was probably writing a letter home to her friends telling them about her vacation to Hot Springs.” My daughter asked, “And then she died and they stuffed her?” We all cracked up with laughter but she was earnest. I explained mannequins were really just dolls that look like real people.

Gotta love kids...


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