Today we celebrate the birth of our nation. A nation built on Freedom.
The five freedoms that are protected with our great Constitution are: speech, religion, press, assembly, and the right to petition the government. Together, these five guaranteed freedoms make the people of the United States of America the freest in all the world.
We Rock! 🎉
I have spent another day of this celebratory weekend riding & enjoying these freedoms and the history of the local areas near me.

A Great Photo For Today

This little country store near Willard, MO is a good as a Super Center for the local & passing thru Customers. Just like the old Mom & Pop places of yesteryears. It has hot meals cooked to order, hot or cold sandwiches made to order. A places to sit a spell inside, fuel, air for your tires and believe it or not the air is free.
All the necessities you might need, groceries & etc. Lovin It!

On down the road is the town of Phenix. A place that is long gone. There is only the ruins of a few buildings and the main plant that housed the 1888 Quarry Operations.

A local house still sits along the road, a reminder of a part of America gone.

Then a buzz on down the road to the town of Avilla. Avilla is the fourth-oldest settlement in Jasper County, founded in 1856.

After a quick stop off at family in the area, we pushed on to the festivities at legendary Hideout Harley Davidson in Joplin, MO.

What is more American than Harley Davidson and... BBQ Ribs & Pulled Pork Plate... A smorgasbord of goodness from the good people of "Street Side Cafe" that was on location. 😉 Yummy!

"Street Side Cafe" even had crafts!
I couldn't go home without my "Biker Buddy."

Last but not least historical moment for the day was "United States President, Harry S. Truman's" birth place in Lamar, MO.

Happy Birthday America! 🎇