Do you want to hear a funny story about the woman who kept objects for years because she thought she has sentimental feelings about inanimate objects or the memories they invoke.
Once upon a time there was a man and woman who married. The guy was so romantic, giving her objects, letters & trinkets. No matter the worth of the gift, it was a very big deal. The woman appreciated the thought and hours of work that some gifts symbolized.
Fast forward 43 years and the man has passed away seven year before.
The woman still has many of those sentimental gifts. The closets, bookshelves, garage and drawers are full of them.
The woman has tried to declutter and move out some with a small bit of success. It still is a slow process.
The absolute funniest item is a summer Hawaiian type shirt that she bought for said man 12 years ago. He did not particularly like the shirt but she absolutely loved the shirt. Actually he never wore the shirt. However, she knew without a doubt that he would have looked so dapper in it. The shirt still hangs in the closet while some other items of his clothes are gone.

Yes, that woman is me... Yesterday was a cleaning & organizing the junk day. I cleaned, sorted, & tossed a few things. However, some other items are still here. I know these things do not need to be kept and that I can keep the sentiment without the objects. Problem is: True confession... I do get pleasure seeing them from time to time.. So it may take as few more years to totally declutter.
Or... My kids may very well have the task!🙄
Hey, maybe I have some brain space empty at least! 😂