If I do cook, it's usually pasta or baked potato, veggies, a prepare salads (also available all ready to mix) or a one pot dish. The George Foreman grill gets some use occasionally. When my family was growing (2 children) I cooked all meals 7 days a week, baked and so on... but no more! For holidays I ask family to help prepare food or order some of it out...last Christmas the ham, which was supposed to be pre-cooked, but needed heating, lead to much discussion about how long in the oven and so forth. Obviously, this lifestyle is too expensive for big families but it has been suitable for a single or couples with a small appetite. We often have breakfast and then do not eat again in until supper. However, I will say that Cooking is not difficult. Everyone has taste, even if they don’t realize it. Even if you’re not a great chef, there’s nothing to stop you understanding the difference between what tastes good and what doesn’t. So when I am home I can at least scurry up something that tastes good.

My main concern is the ability to stand while preparing like I once did many years ago. I'm a wizard now with coming up with the most efficient method of preparation. Time is so precious so who wants to waste it in the kitchen? My criteria is: Meals must be quick and taste good.
Oh who am I kidding? I love to be pampered with someone else's cooking. So... Eating Out Now Is My Middle Name!