You gotta love it... The Midwest (Branson) has a never-ending supply of live music, outdoor activities aplenty, flea markets, cheap home-cooked buffets and a J. Crew outlet. What more could you want? 😂
Actually Branson's spectacular natural landscape, dotted with woolly hills and lakes that seem to shimmer even on sunless days, is known for inducing religious awakenings. The region inspired 19th-century minister Harold Bell Wright to write the popular homestead novel "Shepherd of the Hills," and it has spawned more than a few Christian proselytizers, Mormon family acts and country-music zealots. But its true spirit sits somewhere along the neon-blitzed "Strip."
Close to or at Forty-nine theaters line the two-lane road, which can be clogged round-the-clock with tour buses. Most visitors come with organized groups and watch back-to-back shows, starting with a morning performance at an all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet and winding down in the evening at a marquee theater.
A number of the big-name performers, many of whom have their own theaters, are in the same age bracket as the audience: I've heard if you look closely, past the stars' Grecian-dyed locks and waxy faces, you can see the stirrings of a youth movement among their backup bands. The musicians are young, comparatively speaking, and for many of them, the Branson gig is just a day job. After hours, they are free to rock out.
Our nights of rocking out are long past like most geezers here. We were content to just spent the day knockaround Branson and go back to the campground, throw a few dogs on the grill and pop open a beer and relax.
I have to laugh with myself. “Knockaround” pops into my head at the times (it was a word my dad used a lot when I was growing up).
Anyway, our breakfast was spectacular at the Grand Country Buffet. Then of course it was shopping for those doodads we forgot at home.
One thing is we are enjoying these days with less traffic. Kids are back to school and us geezers have the City!

I love to ride down the main boulevard and see the extent to what they try to entice us to come inside...

Another Day In Paradise!