The word goal is an overstatement of the level of energy I plan to have this weekend after such a hectic move from my second home these past few weeks. Visions of mowing the grass or weeds, which ever you may call it, then a bombardment with Real Estate meetings, phone calls to repair men, insurance agents, roofers, plumbers, and a hurried rush to complete it all.
I plan to take a pause. At the rate of my energy now, I don’t have patience to listen, I don’t have time to look, I don’t have energy to speak or even to hear relaxing raindrops, or to see the playfulness of sun-rays. I plan to break free of the busy prison. Not with force, but apply a gentle touch of... slowness instead.
My goal is just to schedule some non-hurried time for myself. Tend to my own garden first so that I am comfortable to invite people over and offer them wonderful blossoms of my Soul.
I will try to find the patience and perseverance to be diligently clearing away the weeds in my Soul’s garden soon... Enjoying the nothing of it all. No hurry up, no real plans, just enjoying the pause to smell the roses, laugh at the small joys of the day. Sit on the couch emerging myself in my favorite TV shows, movies or a good book. I may have a couch picnic or whatever give me pleasure for the day.
I try to remember to tend the garden of my Soul with tender love for at least a day every once and awhile. Definitely taking time to nourish the Spirit's flowers with vibrant waters of life...
Unplugged... No phone, No worries, No cares for at least one day!