With all the sunshine and fun I am kinda glad for the clouds today.
I have always heard, "You can't make a cloudy day a sunny day, but you can embrace it and decide it's going to be a good day after all."
I image the choice have to do a lot with the mood or personality of the person.
Those grey clouds and cool weather are perfect for staying back at home,....... reading a book and having hot coffee or chocolate. The howling winds or the patter of the raindrops are the best natural lullabies you can get... so if you feel too lazy to read....... Just lay down in your bed and enjoy the pleasant cool weather.
Every knows a sunny day is best for outdoor activities,.....agreed, but there's a lot to do on a gloomy rainy day,... read a book, watch a horror movie ( the dark rainy days just gives the right atmosphere,..... hey you can also watch a thriller), if you love photography like me......rainy days often gives you scope for some good shots-the clouds, the lightning, the street where people are trying to get shelter in a sudden downpour or perhaps even a time lapse,... plus all this sometimes from your window.
For some sometimes the rain and the gloom has more to do with the mood of the person than his overall personality.
Some people light up more on a cloudy afternoon than on a bright sunny morning and the reason seems obvious. You may be depressed and happen to be in a in a room full of people,....perhaps your friends have brought you, to improve your mood. Now you are in a foul mood, equally depressed,.......sitting in a room with a bunch of people singing, dancing and being merry. What will you prefer? Sitting in the brightly lit room or dining room or retreating to a dark balcony or the lawn away from all the shrill noise and the lights.......
Rainy days resonates with their mood. It's like listening to sad songs when you are depressed. Darkness reflects their vibes,...the curtain of raindrops makes them feel isolated. This isolation sometimes make you forget the cause of your sadness (temporarily at least , like a painkiller) by secluding you from the outside world. This is what you need,.. a little bit of loneliness sometimes helps to discover your inner voice, what you actually need to make you happy.
At any rate this "Nana" has become to appreciate the clouds and rainy days. It a time to slow down, to enjoy & just be quiet... Recharge the batteries so to speak.